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When the food is directly given in the veins, it is called ______ nutrition.

(a) Parenteral

(b) Enteral

(c) Intravenous

(d) Saline

I have been asked this question in my homework.

The query is from Nutrition in chapter Rehabilitation and Recovery of Clinical Science

After a simple fracture, what is the recommended period of bed rest?

(a) 1 week

(b) 2 weeks

(c) 1 month

(d) 2 months

I have been asked this question during an internship interview.

Query is from Rehabilitative Devices in portion Rehabilitation and Recovery of Clinical Science

What is the difference between blindness and cataract?

(a) Cataract happens in the retina and blindness happens to cornea

(b) Cataract is clouding up of the cornea while blindness happens if either retina, optic nerve or the occipital lobe is injured or damages

(c) Cataract can be corrected with surgery while blindness can be cured by increasing the intake of vitamin A

(d) Blindness is when cilliary muscles do not contract properly while cataract is when the eyeball has gotten deformed

I have been asked this question in an international level competition.

My query is from Artificial Organs topic in portion Rehabilitation and Recovery of Clinical Science

A person who has had a renal transplant should regulate the intake of ______

(a) carbohydrates

(b) proteins

(c) fats

(d) vitamins

The question was asked by my school teacher while I was bunking the class.

Query is from Nutrition topic in section Rehabilitation and Recovery of Clinical Science

In cases of muscle fatigue, which of the Vitamin should be taken?

(a) A

(b) D

(c) E

(d) K

This question was addressed to me during an interview.

The query is from Nutrition in chapter Rehabilitation and Recovery of Clinical Science

When is a cochlear implant used?

(a) When the sensory hair in the auditory canal have been damaged

(b) When the tympanic membrane has been damaged

(c) When the ossicular chain has been damaged

(d) When the fluid in the eustancian tube has been dis-balanced

The question was posed to me during an interview for a job.

The doubt is from Artificial Organs in division Rehabilitation and Recovery of Clinical Science

Why should wheelchairs be avoided by young population?

(a) It damages the neural system of the body

(b) It causes inflammation in the GI track

(c) It causes low blood pressure

(d) It damages the bones and skeletal muscles

This question was addressed to me during an internship interview.

This intriguing question originated from Rehabilitative Devices in division Rehabilitation and Recovery of Clinical Science

The dialysis that can be performed even at home is ___________

(a) Apheresis

(b) Peritoneal Dialysis

(c) Hemodialysis

(d) Perfusion

I had been asked this question in an interview for job.

I would like to ask this question from Dialysis in section Rehabilitation and Recovery of Clinical Science

Jarvik 7 and AbioCor are names of _________

(a) Artificial Brains

(b) Artificial Hearts

(c) Artificial Liver

(d) Artificial Kidney

I got this question at a job interview.

The above asked question is from Artificial Organs in portion Rehabilitation and Recovery of Clinical Science

Can glasses be taken as assistive devices?

(a) True

(b) False

This question was addressed to me in semester exam.

This question is from Rehabilitative Devices in portion Rehabilitation and Recovery of Clinical Science

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