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The choice between a bundled attribute or an unbundled attribute is made by switch called?

(a) Aspect flag

(b) Aspect ratio

(c) Aspect source flag

(d) Aspect destination flag

The question was posed to me during an online exam.

My question is from Bundled Attributes in section Graphics Primitives of Computer Graphics

We can check the attribute values by

(a) Stating the name of the attribute in the inquiry function

(b) Setting attribute values

(c) Only a

(d) Neither a nor b

The question was asked in homework.

The query is from Bundled Attributes topic in chapter Graphics Primitives of Computer Graphics

Attribute can be set for

(a) Entire character strings

(b) Individual characters defined as marker symbol

(c) Neither a nor b

(d) Both a and b

This question was addressed to me in unit test.

Enquiry is from Character Attributes in portion Graphics Primitives of Computer Graphics

Table entries for bundled area-fill attributes are set using the function

(a) setInteriorRepresentation (ws, fi, fs, pi, fc)

(b) SetInteriorRepresentation ()

(c) Only b

(d) Both a and b

This question was posed to me in examination.

Origin of the question is Bundled Attributes topic in chapter Graphics Primitives of Computer Graphics

A poly-line that is assigned a table index value of 3 would be displayed using

(a) Dashed line

(b) Dotted line

(c) Same index

(d) All of the mentioned

This question was posed to me in a national level competition.

Origin of the question is Bundled Attributes in division Graphics Primitives of Computer Graphics

Entries in the bundle table for line attributes are set using the function

(a) Setlineattributes ()

(b) setPolylineRepresentation (ws, li, lt, lc)

(c) setPolylineRepresentation()

(d) only a

This question was posed to me in an online interview.

The doubt is from Bundled Attributes in section Graphics Primitives of Computer Graphics

The choice between a bundled attribute or an unbundled attribute is made by

(a) Setting switch

(b) Setting bundle table

(c) Index table

(d) Only a

I had been asked this question by my college professor while I was bunking the class.

This question is from Bundled Attributes topic in chapter Graphics Primitives of Computer Graphics

A table for which, a primitive defines groups of attribute values to be used when displaying that primitive on a particular output device is called

(a) Bundle table

(b) Index table

(c) Both a and b

(d) None of these

I got this question in quiz.

My question is from Bundled Attributes topic in division Graphics Primitives of Computer Graphics

A particular set of attribute values for a primitive on each output device is chosen by specifying appropriate table index is known as?

(a) Individual attribute

(b) Unbundled attribute

(c) Bundled attribute

(d) A or B

This question was addressed to me in semester exam.

My doubt stems from Bundled Attributes in section Graphics Primitives of Computer Graphics

Hollow areas are displayed using only the

(a) Boundary outline

(b) Line-drawing routine

(c) Hatched patterns

(d) Closed poly line

The question was asked during an online exam.

My query is from Area Fill Attributes in portion Graphics Primitives of Computer Graphics

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