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Distinguish between advertising and personal selling.

List five shopping products purchased by you or your family during the last few months.

Expenditure on advertising is a social waste’ Do you agree? Discuss

What does this statement show “Trade of value between two parties”? 

a. Competition 

b. Transaction

c. Exchange 

d. Need 

New product development starts with which one of the following steps of new product development? 

a. Idea screening 

b. Idea generation 

c. Test marketing 

d. Concept testing 

The mental act, condition or habit of placing trust or condence in another shows which of the following options? 

a. Motive 

b. Belief 

c. Behavior 

d. Attitude

Which one of the following is NOT the stage that customers go through in the process of adopting a new product? 

a. Awareness 

b. Interest 

c. Evaluation 

d. Culture

Explain the factors determining choice of channels of distribution.

What are the factors affecting the determination of the price of a product or service? Explain.

What do you mean by ‘channels of distribution’? What functions do they play in the distribution of goods and services? Explain.

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