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You are done with the implementation of the map-based navigation application. How you will test navigation routing on your simulator.

class LogInViewController: UIViewController {
    var NetworkManager = NetworkManager()
func loginAction(){
    let loginVC = myStoryboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "LogInViewController") as! LogInViewController

Modify below code using Dependency Injection.

Swift is a static language and Objective-C dynamic language. What does it mean?

Suppose you are developing an application that lists news updates for a nearby location. Like popular apps on the store, the client also wants to do it using a paginating mechanism. How would you implement this?

  DispatchQueue.main.async {
    DispatchQueue.main.async {
    } {
     print("Apple Watch")
 print("Apple TV")

What will be output for below code?

What is the difference between the consumable and non-consumable type of in-app purchase?

What happens when the app receives a push notification? Which are delegate methods that deal with the notification?

class Student {
    let name: String
    init(name: String) { = name
    var scoreCard: ScoreCard?{
            print("\(name) got \(scoreCard!.marks) marks in this exam")
class ScoreCard {
    let marks: Float
    init(marks: Float) {
        self.marks = marks
    var student: Student?{
            print("\(marks) for \(student!.name) in this exam")
var student: Student?
var score:ScoreCard?
student = Student(name: "Albert Einstein")
score = ScoreCard(marks: 80)
student!.scoreCard = score
score!.student = student
student = nil
score = nil

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