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DCL Provides Commands To Perform Actions Like _____________

(a) Change The Structure Of Tables

(b) Insert, Update Or Delete Records And Data Values

(c) Authorizing Access And Other Control Over Database

(d) None of the Mentioned

The question was asked in my homework.

This intriguing question comes from DCL,TCL Command in portion SQL Basics of Oracle

In an SQL statement, which of the following parts states the conditions for row selection?

(a) Where

(b) From

(c) Order By

(d) Group By

This question was addressed to me in final exam.

I would like to ask this question from DCL,TCL Command topic in chapter SQL Basics of Oracle

A type of query that is placed within a WHERE or HAVING clause of another query is called

(a) Master query

(b) Sub query

(c) Super query

(d) Multi-query

I had been asked this question in a job interview.

This is a very interesting question from DML Command in chapter SQL Basics of Oracle

TCL stands for:

(a) Transaction control languages

(b) Transaction command languages

(c) Transaction connect languages

(d) None of the Mentioned

This question was posed to me in an online quiz.

My question is based upon DCL,TCL Command in section SQL Basics of Oracle

DCL stands for :

(a) Data Control Language

(b) Data Console Language

(c) Data Console Level

(d) Data Control Level

I had been asked this question during a job interview.

Enquiry is from DCL,TCL Command in division SQL Basics of Oracle

A table that displays data redundancies yields ____________ anomalies.

(a) Update

(b) Insertion

(c) Deletion

(d) All of the Mentioned

I got this question in a job interview.

I would like to ask this question from DML Command in portion SQL Basics of Oracle

Stack is also called __________

(a) First In First Out (LIFO)

(b) Last In First Out (FIFO)

(c) First In Last Out (FILO)

(d) First Come First Served (FCFS)

The question was posed to me at a job interview.

I’m obligated to ask this question of DML Command in section SQL Basics of Oracle

In SQL, which command is used to add new rows to a table?

(a) Alter Table

(b) Add row

(c) Insert

(d) Append

The question was asked in a national level competition.

This interesting question is from DML Command in section SQL Basics of Oracle

TRUNCATE statement in SQL is a –

(a) DML statement

(b) DDL statement

(c) DCL statement

(d) TCL statement

I had been asked this question in examination.

The query is from DML Command topic in division SQL Basics of Oracle

Which of the following is not included in DML (Data Manipulation Language)





I had been asked this question in an internship interview.

I want to ask this question from DML Command in chapter SQL Basics of Oracle

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