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A doubly linked list is declared as

struct Node { int Value; struct Node *Fwd; struct Node *Bwd;);

Where Fwd and Bwd represent forward and backward link to the adjacent elements of the list. Which of the following segments of code deletes the node pointed to by X from the doubly linked list, if it is assumed that X points to neither the first nor the last node of the list?

(A) X->Bwd->Fwd = X->Fwd; X->Fwd->Bwd = X->Bwd ;
(B) X->Bwd.Fwd = X->Fwd ; X.Fwd->Bwd = X->Bwd ;
(C) X.Bwd->Fwd = X.Bwd ; X->Fwd.Bwd = X.Bwd ;
(D) X->Bwd->Fwd = X->Bwd ; X->Fwd->Bwd = X->Fwd;

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A doubly linked list is declared as

struct Node { int Value; struct Node *Fwd; struct Node *Bwd;);

Where Fwd and Bwd represent forward and backward link to the adjacent elements of the list. Which of the following segments of code deletes the node pointed to by X from the doubly linked list, if it is assumed that X points to neither the first nor the last node of the list?

(A) X->Bwd->Fwd = X->Fwd; X->Fwd->Bwd = X->Bwd ;
(B) X->Bwd.Fwd = X->Fwd ; X.Fwd->Bwd = X->Bwd ;
(C) X.Bwd->Fwd = X.Bwd ; X->Fwd.Bwd = X.Bwd ;
(D) X->Bwd->Fwd = X->Bwd ; X->Fwd->Bwd = X->Fwd;

