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The SQL query

SELECT columnsFROM TableARIGHT OUTER JOIN TableBON A.columnName = B.columnNameWHERE A.columnName IS NULL 

returns the following:
(A) All rows in Table B, which meets equality condition above and, none from Table A, which meets the condition
(B) All rows in Table A, which meets equality condition above and none from Table B, which meets the condition
(C) All rows in Table B, which meets equality condition
(D) All rows in Table A, which meets equality condition
(E) None of these

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The SQL query

SELECT columnsFROM TableARIGHT OUTER JOIN TableBON A.columnName = B.columnNameWHERE A.columnName IS NULL 

returns the following:
(A) All rows in Table B, which meets equality condition above and, none from Table A, which meets the condition
(B) All rows in Table A, which meets equality condition above and none from Table B, which meets the condition
(C) All rows in Table B, which meets equality condition
(D) All rows in Table A, which meets equality condition
(E) None of these

