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So far, all the men with whom I have come in contact, are selfish; why should I not infer, therefore, that man is selfish?

It involves the fallacy of

1. Petitio principii
2. Illicit generalization
3. Four terms
4. None of the above

Many people die on bed.

Do not, therefore, lie on bed.

It involves the fallacy of :

1. Non- observation and illicit generalization
2. Four terms
3. Composition
4. None of the above

The University is the temple of learning, and therefore, politics has no place in it.

It involves the fallacy of

1. Ignoratio elenchi
2. Four terms
3. Bad analogy
4. Division

Thirteen is one number.

Six and seven are thirteen

Therefore six and seven are one number.

This involves the fallacy of

1. Composition
2. Division
3. Four terms
4. None of the above

Which of the following is not a communication barrier in a workplace ?

1. Noise
2. Prejudice
3. Active listening
4. Improper medium

What is the communication system that links the Secretariat and District Administration ?

He must be an excellent man for I have been favourably impressed with his manner of talking.

It involves the fallacy of

1. ignoratio elenchi
2. Composition
3. Division
4. Illicit generalization

Wine cannot be injurious to health, for if it had been so doctors would not have prescribed it. It involves the fallacy of 
1. Four terms
2. Ignoratio elenchi
3. Petito principii
4. Illicit generalization

‘Division of chairs into leg, back and seat’ is an instance of
1. Logical division
2. Physical division
3. Cross division
4. Metaphysical division

Which kind of communication is represented by Colour graphics?
1. Verbal
2. Non-verbal
3. Visual
4. Gestural

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